In homes around the world, life isn’t as usual.
In many schools, it just isn’t the same.
Students, parents, teachers, and administrators, each have their own challenges and internal response to those challenges. Let’s take a glimpse…

Wellness Wednesday on VoicEd Radio
Remember Live Radio? Seems like a lifetime ago that I turned on the radio in my car or home. I tend to load podcasts or Spotify on my phone. I’ve got a new option for you-tune in Live to Wellness Wednesday on VoicEd Radio.
It’s not my…

A Handful of Real Friends
“We bring a deeper commitment to our happiness when we fully understand, that our time left is limited and we really need to make it count.”
-Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (Life Lessons, 2000)
It was more than a decade ago that I first…

Perception is Projection
This week my husband turned 59- my mother-in-law 89 and my granddaughter 5 months.
A 2009 survey of Americans asked participants when they believed someone grew ‘old’. Those in their twenties believed said…

“Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger.”
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Every sixty-five seconds another person develops Alzheimer’s disease; and of these newcomers, roughly two-thirds will…

Reminders for Uncertain Times
I’m designing a course at the University on the topic of Wellness. In an effort to save students money on purchasing a textbook, I’ve been looking for articles, blogs, podcasts, anything current and relevant to compile into a course that…

Perspective Changes Everything
Many of us are stressed with the current pandemic situation, and for valid reasons. However, we aren’t the only generation to be subjected to hardships. Perhaps the present moment isn’t so bad.
Imagine if YOU were born in 1900.

A Brand-New Presence
This Wednesday one of the free take- aways from my webinar on Self-care Practices will be a resource that I’ve curated during the past few weeks to help all of us navigate through these turbulent times. Please consider sending me your stories…

7 Step Risk Aversion Solution
“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” Many of you might recall Stuart Smalley, the self-help-obsessed pathetic character on Saturday Night Live who repeated that mantra to himself constantly. Smalley suffered…

Hope and Miracles
This is the season of hope and miracles. The stories of Passover and Easter are about overcoming the impossible. Those stories at their core, are about all of us. This is a time in human history where the collective conditions are threatening…