
Wellness Wednesday on VoicEd Radio

Remember Live Radio? Seems like a lifetime ago that I turned on the radio in my car or home. I tend to load podcasts or Spotify on my phone. I’ve got a new option for you-tune in Live to Wellness Wednesday on VoicEd Radio. It’s not my…

Perspective Changes Everything

Many of us are stressed with the current pandemic situation, and for valid reasons. However, we aren’t the only generation to be subjected to hardships. Perhaps the present moment isn’t so bad. Imagine if YOU were born in 1900. On…

3 Don’ts and a DO to Begin Your Day

It’s about 6 AM. You open your eyes. What’s your first thought? Possibly something like- “Oh crud, the day ahead is endless. I don’t have time to get all this done today. Only __ more days and the week-end will be here.” There…