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Idle Practice

If you’ve read Practicing Presence, you know I’m not often idle. You also might recall that I seem to be constantly encouraged to slow down. So, when I stumbled on an entire company dedicated to helping people slow down, I decided to pause…


In homes around the world, life isn’t as usual. In many schools, it just isn’t the same. Students, parents, teachers, and administrators, each have their own challenges and internal response to those challenges. Let’s take a glimpse…

Wellness Wednesday on VoicEd Radio

Remember Live Radio? Seems like a lifetime ago that I turned on the radio in my car or home. I tend to load podcasts or Spotify on my phone. I’ve got a new option for you-tune in Live to Wellness Wednesday on VoicEd Radio. It’s not my…
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Reminders for Uncertain Times

I’m designing a course at the University on the topic of Wellness. In an effort to save students money on purchasing a textbook, I’ve been looking for articles, blogs, podcasts, anything current and relevant to compile into a course that…

Opt Out of the Collective Anxiety

The collective anxiety of humanity has people so engrossed in the media, so hypnotized by the news of possible horrible outcomes that we are missing the present moment, which might not be so bad. The truth is, if something bad happens, we’ll…

25 Practices for a Mindset Reset

During the Winter in Wellness Retreat we’ll lay the foundation for 25 wellness practices that you can tap into immediately and keep with you going forward. Instead of dreading re-entry of everyday life, you’ll walk away with new insights…
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Comfort Food for the Stressed and Weary

Everyone feels the pace escalate around this time of year. The grocery lists are longer, the money spent is greater, and the time needed to pull it all together is increased. If you’re in education, this week is typically survivor week.…