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They’re Going to Shit on your Head

They’re Going to Shit on your Head Those were the last words I heard as I departed to meet my friend to watch the migrating snow geese. I live with an over stimulated amygdala- my husband. He is constantly scanning the environment…

Evidence of Practicing Presence

Just about every day I wonder if I’m really making a difference. It helps to have some evidence that your thoughts, words and actions do indeed sometimes impact others. I have a file folder that I’ve labeled “Happy File” where I put…

5 Reasons People Don’t Practice Presence

Last week I posted a mindfulness mantra. The feedback was interesting, but not unexpected. Every time I mention mindfulness, I typically hear a few common responses: • “Do you really think I have time in my day to sit and do nothing…

The Muck of March: Meditation Might Help

In Practicing Presence, I lead with the following: It was March. Outside, I was greeted by dreary, gray skies and a constant drizzle. It was the kind of rain that makes you feel chilled to the bone. Inside, I felt equally dreary. I’ve…