The Ten Things: A To Do List for Restoration
Typically, as an educator, summer was a time for me to get caught up on the hovel my house had turned into. I would end every school year determined to clean the attic, purge my closet, and organize the piles that had accumulated in the basement.…
Another Mother’s Day - The One No one Talks About
Last week we celebrated Mother’s Day. I don’t know why, but there is never a year where I don’t think about the Mom’s out there that have lost children.
There are countless ways to lose a child. For those that have carried a child…
This e-mail below was sent to me, it takes less than 2 minutes to read. The author is not known. It was found in the billfold of Coach Paul Bear Bryant. Alabama after he died in 1982. It was titled: The Magic Bank Account
Imagine that you…
An Inexpensive Gift Suggestion
An Inexpensive Gift Suggestion
By Joe Zelnik
(Annual reprint of a column that first appeared in 1983 in the Cape May County Herald)
For those who can’t find an Interactive Barney or afford a 40- inch “home theater, “it’s still…