
The Ten Things: A To Do List for Restoration
Typically, as an educator, summer was a time for me to get caught up on the hovel my house had turned into. I would end every school year determined to clean the attic, purge my closet, and organize the piles that had accumulated in the basement.…

Evidence of Practicing Presence
Just about every day I wonder if I’m really making a difference. It helps to have some evidence that your thoughts, words and actions do indeed sometimes impact others. I have a file folder that I’ve labeled “Happy File” where I put…

Failure Progress
Last week I presented a keynote in Ohio to a large group of educators- mostly administrators. I wanted to “knock it out of the park”. In the last 5 minutes of my presentation the slide deck on the power point presentation froze (as did my…

5 Reasons People Don’t Practice Presence
Last week I posted a mindfulness mantra. The feedback was interesting, but not unexpected.
Every time I mention mindfulness, I typically hear a few common responses:
• “Do you really think I have time in my day to sit and do nothing…

The Muck of March: Meditation Might Help
In Practicing Presence, I lead with the following:
It was March. Outside, I was greeted by dreary, gray skies and a constant drizzle. It was the kind of rain that makes you feel chilled to the bone. Inside, I felt equally dreary.