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No More Sorry

In early January I proposed we could choose a word of the year. Mine was the original word Judglessness. Many of you shared your words. A few that stood out were: Alignment, Change, Expectlessness, Compassion, Empathy, Peace, Stop, Openness,…

Alcohol Anyone?

The word on the street (actually the streets are empty) is that there will be more babies born in 2021. I don’t know, I fear there may be more divorces and waiting lists at Betty Ford Clinics. We are all dealing with the unknown, and the…
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Comfort Food for the Stressed and Weary

Everyone feels the pace escalate around this time of year. The grocery lists are longer, the money spent is greater, and the time needed to pull it all together is increased. If you’re in education, this week is typically survivor week.…
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5 Compelling Reasons to Retreat

Retreat comes from the Latin verb “to pull back”. Wouldn’t you like to pull back from the world for just a few hours in the midst of the holiday season? Here are 5 reasons to step out of your structured day to day routine and create a…

Extreme Self-Care for Educators

For educators everywhere, the stretch between late October and Thanksgiving is akin to a survivor episode. Second only to March (read my book Practicing Presence for more on March meltdowns), this is when we are most likely to lose our sh_t.…

Evidence of Practicing Presence

Just about every day I wonder if I’m really making a difference. It helps to have some evidence that your thoughts, words and actions do indeed sometimes impact others. I have a file folder that I’ve labeled “Happy File” where I put…

Gratitude Practice

What if every Sunday you vowed to in some way reach out to one person that you’re grateful for in your life? My favorite gratitude practice in action was when Fred Rogerss accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award. He modeled that we should…

The Muck of March: Meditation Might Help

In Practicing Presence, I lead with the following: It was March. Outside, I was greeted by dreary, gray skies and a constant drizzle. It was the kind of rain that makes you feel chilled to the bone. Inside, I felt equally dreary. I’ve…

This year’s Practicing Presence Summer Self-Care Retreat award recipient is Laura Davis.

This year’s retreat award recipient is Laura Davis. Congratulations Laura! We have all heard the statistics related to how many teachers will leave the profession within their first five years of teaching. This is Laura’s fifth year…